On Saturday February 16, 2008 a Southern Korean company named RNL Bio opened the world's first pet cloning service. The company helps revivify the beloved pets of its customers. Animals that have passed away, could be brought back to life to keep their owners from having to deal with the pain of losing their pet. This is all done through cloning. An American is has already placed an order to have her pit bull cloned. She had become attached to the pet after it saved her life from being attacked by another dog. The cost for this procedure is $150,000 for the clones and the bill does need to be payed until the clone is received. Though the clones will not be the same animal personality wise, it will have the same genetic make- up that will satisfy the original pet's owners feelings.

               Professor Zavos is a scientist that works in the art of cloning and human reproduction. He believes that if the technology is used correctly then human cloning is possible and is in the near future. He and his supporters believe that “Cloning will help to produce discoveries that will affect the study of genetics, cell development, human growth, and obstetrics.” This is very controversial but Dr. Zavos and his admirers trust that in the future the nightmares people have about cloning will be put to rest and it will be used for the betterment of men. In 2006, Dr. Zavos and his team of scientists created and transferred the first human embryo. The future is approaching us faster and faster.

Other Reproductive cloning organizations include: The Reproductive network, The Human Cloning Foundation, and Global Change. The Reproductive network is a cloning informational site that publishes pro or neutral information on cloning. The Human Cloning Foundation is a website also in support of human cloning, stem cell research and infertility treatment. Globalchange.com is a website with helpful information pro, anti, and neutral on the topic of human cloning. They speak about the controversies in human cloning and also the advantages and disadvantages in cloning.

  Professor Zavos is a scientist that works in the art of cloning and human reproduction. He believes that if the technology is used correctly then human cloning is possible and is in the near future. He and his supporters believe that “Cloning will help to produce discoveries that will affect the study of genetics, cell development, human growth, and obstetrics.” This is very controversial but Dr. Zavos and his admirers trust that in the future the nightmares people have about cloning will be put to rest and it will be used for the betterment of men. In 2006, Dr. Zavos and his team of scientists created and transferred the first human embryo. The future is approaching us faster and faster.

Other Reproductive cloning organizations include: The Reproductive network, The Human Cloning Foundation, and Global Change. The Reproductive network is a cloning informational site that publishes pro or neutral information on cloning. The Human Cloning Foundation is a website also in support of human cloning, stem cell research and infertility treatment. Globalchange.com is a website with helpful information pro, anti, and neutral on the topic of human cloning. They speak about the controversies in human cloning and also the advantages and disadvantages in cloning.


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