What is Reproductive cloning?

Reproductive cloning is the process of making a full living copy of an organism. This requires a surrogate mother. The surrogate mother's uterus is used to keep the egg safe and help it develop until birth.


The procedure:


In reproductive cloning, scientist removes the DNA of an unfertilized egg and replaces it with donor DNA. The egg is then manipulated into believing that it has been fertilized so it can begin dividing and making new cells. After the egg has divided efficiently, the result is an embryo that is then embedded in the uterus of a surrogate mother to develop until birth. Unlike natural birth, chromosomes and DNA from two donors combine to produce a new organism. This procedure only uses the DNA from the donor. Results in a “genetic replica” of the DNA donor it’s also known as a clone.


Interesting Facts:


Who are a clone’s biological mother and father?

Biological mothers and fathers make babies by sexual reproduction. Cloning is sexual reproduction. A cloned baby wouldn’t have biological parents. It would have a single donor of genetic material.


If a person were cloned, would clone be that person’s child or sibling?

No. It would not be a daughter or son, sister, or brother. It would be a brand-new kind of human relationship: a clone.

Could you clone another Hitler?

If cells from Hitler’s body somehow were preserved with their DNA intact, it would be a remote possibility. But the cloned baby would have much different experience and environment. It would be a different person.


Is cloning legal?

The U.S. now has no specific law against cloning. However, several states have enacted such laws. Meanwhile, the U.S. FDA has warned researchers that any human reproductive cloning would be an experiment needing FDA approval. Such approval, it states, will not be forthcoming.

                                         -All the interesting facts were cited from


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